
it's a celebration bitchez

A successful shindig went down in 1540 to celebrate Umi and Kenny's birthday. I usually don't stay too long at shindigs when there are alot of people there I don't know. I mean I knew the people who lived there, but it was alot people there I didn't know. On top of that there were freshmen, and I hate freshmen (with the exception of a very few).

stan was really feeling himself that night

DJ trying to take his name seriously

Chris keyed???

..nope..Ashley keyed...Slick Talk #6

birthday boy alpha

birthday boy beta

one of the cool freshmen..in the book of [slick]

sharayia stopped by to say hi

stan dancing? I told you he was feeling himself

birthday boy omega

All together it was a good get together. It did get shutdown once by a security guard but the R.A. was not a dickhead. He said that people can come back piece by piece and to keep the noise down. I was not about to come back but I was happy I did. I was in the makes of making my new "drink". I need a name, anyone, give me a name. Just think of me and alcohol, and give me a name of a drink.

i still hate freshmen,
